
Combat works in phases whereby players take turns playing out their cards until they run out of playable cards, or the timer runs out. Cards can be played in any combination, and each Astral can only hold two cards at the end of every turn. Opponents cards are hidden until they are used (i.e. armor is used to mitigate damage, block triggers but fails to block an attack).

At the beginning of the match, Astrals will be summoned to a predetermined location on the map. Movement cards can be used to position your Astrals and attack cards can be used as long as the enemy is within the range of tiles indicated on the card. Blocking cards will only be activated if they are in hand and your Astral is facing the enemy (see Line of Sight). Each block card has a chance to successfully negate all damage. If a block card is successfully used, it is discarded. Armor cards will be activated regardless of which direction your Astral is facing. Armor mitigates damage equal to the defense stat on the card. Armor can be ignored (i.e. piercing damage) or destroyed through special effects.

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